*Welcome Page *Calculate Tax Assessment Reduction *Steps to File Your Own Tax Appeal *Fee Agreement on webpage

Representation and Fee Agreement for Real Estate Tax Appeal Services

I/we request that John Silvestri, Esq. and Barbara Stern provide legal and information research / analysis services to reduce my/our real estate taxes for a contingency fee of 50% of the tax savings for the tax years covered by the tax appeal, allocated half to Barbara Stern and half to John Silvestri. I understand that Barbara Stern is not an attorney, and John Silvestri and Barbara Stern are not appraisers.  There will be no costs or expenses to you unless pre-approved by you.  All information research, analysis and legal services are included in the 50% contingency fee.

If a tax saving results from services rendered, then the fee amount of 50% of the tax savings is due when the County refunds overpaid taxes.  If taxes are not paid, then the fee is due when your tax liability is reduced.  Payment shall be made to “John Silvestri IOLTA Account” for the 50% tax savings fee to be distributed for the respective services.  The County refunding of taxes is proof of tax assessment administrative adjustment.  If school and municipal refunds or lower tax bills do not issue within 60 days after County refunds, then please call or email either Barbara Stern or John Silvestri to trouble shoot.

Insert below the Property Address and Block & Lot or Tax Parcel No. of each Property to Appeal



Print name of Property Owner(s) 

Cell Phones(s):

Email Address(es):

Mailing Address:


Signature(s) of financially responsible person(s)





Print, complete your property information and your contact information, scan or image the completed informatiom, and Email it to barbaracsh@hotmail.com and staff.john.silvestri@usa.net


Text it to 412 999-2087 or 412-512-4902

Contact information

 Barbara C Stern                                                                      John M. Silvestri, Esq.

202 Eastern Ave, Pittsburgh, PA  15215                                1000 N. Negley Ave., Pittsburgh, PA 15206

412 999-2087                                                                          412-512-4902

barbaracsh@hotmail.com                                                        staff.john.silvestri@usa.net