*Welcome Page *Calculate Tax Assessment Reduction *Steps to File Your Own Tax Appeal *Fee Agreement on webpage

If you bought in 2018 or later, and the school appealed to increase your taxes, then figure out if you are over taxed.

Step (1) multiply your purchase price by 1.2

Step (2) then multiply the result by .525

Step (3) compare the step 2 result to your assessed value.

For example, if the purchase price is $100,000, then

Step (1) $100,000 * 1.2 = $120,000

Step (2) $120,000 * .635 = $74,750

If the step 2 result is lower than your “Full Base Year Market Value” on the Allegheny County Real Estate website at http://www2.alleghenycounty.us/realestate, then between January 1 and March 31, 2024, file a Assessment Appeal by going to the Allegheny County Real Estate website at http://www2.alleghenycounty.us/realestate.  At the County website, agree to their user terms, then on the next screen, enter your property address, and click on the “Appeal Status” tab.  At the bottom of this "Appeal Tab" page click on the appeal forms, and complete them to file online or to mail in.

Almost everyone who bought in 2018 or later, who the school appealed to increase their taxes, should consider an appeal, unless your case is currently pending at the Board of Viewers.  If there is doubt, then file your appeal.